June 22, 2008

My Family, My Life...

It's funny how your family makes you the person you are.

As an adult, I have been very aware of the instrumental influence my family played in my life. Even before that I understood how children seemed to be a product of their parents, and the family they had. What I have learned since having children is that, I am also a product of them.

I am a better person because of them. They each contribute something so unique and wonderful to this family, and to me as well.

Have you ever been taught by a child? I fully understand the difference between being childish, and being childlike. I do want to be more like my children. My children will play with anyone. They will call anyone a friend, no matter the way they look, or speak. They do not discriminate. Well, actually, they will play with any child as long as they are good and nice. Wouldn't it be great if adults were like that? Imagine if adults based friendships on behavior only!

To be childlike is also to be quick to forgive. Why do we hold grudges so long? Why are we so easily offended? Children do get hurt, but they are quick to forgive. They want to love, and be loved. You would never see a 4 year old with a grudge. He would not be able to stay mad at someone for a whole day!

I love my children so much! They truly are a blessing, I can't imagine my life without them. But, it is not just my children I love. I love my nieces and nephews, I love my friends' children, and I love the sweet innocent children I see throughout my day, whose names I don't even know. Have you ever noticed how therapeutic it is to hold a baby? Or, how looking at a smiling child is so infectious? I am so glad that Heavenly Father sent us hear as babies. I am so glad we have children in this world, as adorable ornaments brightening up this dreary world, and also as little angels... little reminders from heaven of how we each should be.

So... in closing, I would just like to encourage all of you to reach out to a child, whether you have any of your own or not. Craig lost his father as a child, and his Uncle Hal, who never had a son of his own, became a father figure to him. They formed a wonderful bond, and to this day are still very close. So... if you cannot be a daddy right now, be an Uncle Hal! Be the church leader, or neighbor, or aunt, or grandparent, or friend that a child needs. They could always use more love, and more positive influences! Right?


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